Invitation — Psalm 146:7-8
"The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous."
Bible Song — Psalm 59:1-3, 14-17
Deliver me from my enemies, O God;
be my fortress against those who are attacking me.
Deliver me from evildoers
and save me from those who are after my blood.
See how they lie in wait for me!
Fierce men conspire against me
for no offense or sin of mine, Lord...
They return at evening,
snarling like dogs,
and prowl about the city.
They wander about for food
and howl if not satisfied.
But I will sing of your strength,
in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble.
You are my strength, I sing praise to you;
you, God, are my fortress,
my God on whom I can rely.
Bible Reading — Matthew 9:35-38
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Read again slowly ... find a word or phrase that catches your eye or moves your heart ... slowly repeat it ... pray your thoughts, desires, needs, and feelings from your meditation ... enjoy the presence of your Lord and Savior.
Free Prayer
- for fellowship with the risen Jesus
- for spiritual renewal and refreshment
The Lord's Prayer
Prayer — WSC 102
Lord of the harvest — I hear that the harvest is ready and big, but where are your workers, Lord? How will people hear the good news of the kingdom unless someone is sent? Today, I pray that your kingdom of grace may be advanced, that I may have Christlike compassion that would break my heart and lead me to be the answer to my own prayer. Amen.
Blessing — Psalm 4:6
"Let the light of your face shine on us."